Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Another Sunrise - Blazing Orange


Song:  I've Been Searching

Group:  Chicago

I had such a great time yesterday triking to a beautiful sunrise...
that I checked the skies just before sunrise this morning 
to see if there were interesting clouds...
of which usually portends a spectacular sunrise.

I saw that the clouds were particularly well laid out in the sky...
and so, I knew it would be a beautiful sunrise once again.

I got dressed in my cold weather gear...
hoped aboard my trike...
and then sped off on the same route I had taken the day before.

I am leaving Sunset Court here.

I arrived in time to see a sky of a blazing orange.
This time there were no pinks or reds...
but the overall color was a blazing orange...
which sometimes gave way to a brilliant amber...
but the predominant color was orange.

I wish I had a much wider angle lens.

The sky was ablaze with color in all directions.

After the colors faded...
I pedaled home once again.

It is always such a treat to sit on the railing in almost complete silence
while experiencing the spectacular colors of a sunrise.

It was strange...
this time I had heard no coyotes.

Sitting under the magnificent sky ablaze with colors so vivid...
and so surreal...
with the chill of the morning air filling your lungs...
your mind cannot help but wander to the most beautiful moments of your life...
as well as allowing it to transport you to places of the future you long to fulfill.


It is suffering in life that brings out the great beauty in it...
the deep appreciation not experienced by those who fill their lives 
with too much comfort.

Even a relatively short period of exercise...
one which causes a burning in the muscles...
and forces the lungs to fill deeply...
greatly magnifies the beautiful moments in life...
especially one of the great simple pleasures...
such as a sunrise or sunset...
and especially music.

Triking to view the sunsets and sunrises
in the mountains above Reno
allows me to arrive breathing like a locomotive...
and arrive primed to view the sky with its emerging colors
in synchronization with the easing of pain...
and with the resulting rush of wellbeing as endorphins flood the system.

This is what magnifies pleasure...
and it makes all the difference between merely viewing a sunset...
or listening to a song...
and that of being a part of it...
 being fully embraced and enchanted by the music of the skies
as the colors and the wind combine in your mind into a grand symphony.

This is when you feel the colors as great symphonies play in your mind...
and all the while...
the wind becomes part of the orchestra as it caresses your skin.

It is something which one never tires of.

Although I am glad to be alone during these times...
I am still amazed at the lack of people taking in these hypnotic sights...
of which happen on a regular basis here in Reno.

Never allow yourself to become numb to the grand beauty of life.

Look for ways to healthfully suffer.

The lower the lows...
the higher the highs.

And the beauty of this is that by exercising enough to 
sound the body's general alarm (He's trying to kill me  :)...
it adapts by becoming stronger.

The exercise lasts but an hour...
but the feeling of being a god...
lasts for days.

Search out ways to healthfully suffer...
for the key to (metaphorically speaking) heaven lies just on the other side of hell.

You will find this to be so true in every aspect of life.

Because your time in "heaven" is far more profound
and longer lasting than your short period in hell...
you will soon begin to even enjoy hell...
for you know how you will feel shortly afterwards.

This is the root concept for deferred gratification.

It applies to everything in life...
and it never fails.

Depression sets in when you had spent all of your time and resources
chasing short term distractions or pleasures at the expense of long term gain.

With deferred gratification
(a properly set up life)...
life becomes sweeter with each passing year.
And you then have serenity...
as you have nothing but better things for which to look forwards.

I love life...
I simply get so much joy from it...
and all without drugs.

The artificial high of any drug is nothing compared to 
living life with a passion and truly appreciating 
life in all of its grand splendor.

I know what makes me most happy...
and I engage in it...
at will.

I've lived my life with deferred gratification...
and I have creative passions.

I have, both, deep serenity...
and deep passions which make me feel so alive.

I have music...
and now...
re-experiencing the great outdoors on my recumbent trike as well.

I've had health issues...
but I've adapted...
and with the recumbent trike...
I can ride mountain trails with the freedom
of an eagle soaring the skies.

I can get exercise that I love...
and which I will be able to do for the rest of my life.

All senior citizens should simply try a recumbent trike with e-drive.

It will change your life.

Get off the couch...
and truly experience life.


A New Route For Bandi

  Song:  FF Prelude (cover) Cover Artist:  Jonathan Morris Original Composer:  Nobuo Uematsu  I had awakened to another beautiful day. Last ...