Sunday, December 3, 2023

Accessories - Plan For The Future


Song:  Treat Me Well

Group:  Heart

I will be ordering this double trike rack to transport my younger sister's and my trike
to distant trails.

This will not only allow only one vehicle to transport both trikes...
but it will still leave the inside free to transport the below accessories...
and extra passengers.

My elder sister and her husband have a truck...
and so...
they will be able to carry both of their trikes without a hitch carrier.

This is a towed dog carrier which will carry my younger sister's dog...
as well as my mother's.

My younger sister will tow this behind her trike.

At first...
the two dogs will be running beside the trike as she rides...
and when they get tired...
they can ride in comfort inside of their dog carrier.

This is the wheeled palanquin I will be towing behind my trike
while on bike trails, so my mother will be able to 
experience the outdoors with us as we tride.

And yes...
I purposely misspelled the word...ride.
I childishly combined the word trike and ride...
and yes...
this will make us triders on the trails.  :)

This will allow my mother to enjoy the great outdoors with us as we trike
besides rivers or in the mountains on improved bike trails...
or other hard packed surfaces.

It is a comfortable and safe carrier...
which has completely covered sides for use in inclement weather...
or which has the ability to only have the roof sunshade up...
but with the side windows rolled up in sunny weather.

This is what my mother will be riding in during our Christmas lights tour 
of the neighborhood...
as well on our spring, summer, and fall bike trail rides.

My elder sister's and her husband's trikes should be arriving soon...
and we will then all be able to tride anywhere...
and at anytime...
at will.

my elder sister and I will test out towing these two carriers empty
to ensure basic stability and handling characteristics before we load them
with my mother and the dogs.

I will have to be careful when towing my mother...
especially when turning.

I will be the one towing my mother because my trike has special low gears meant
to overcome obstacles and steep inclines in the mountains.

As such...
my trike will be able to handle
the weight of the palanquin...
of which will require extra torque
to pull from a dead stop...
and especially when going up inclines...
besides my trike having the most traction and stopping power.


Although my mother is of an advanced age...
and her ability to walk has greatly deteriorated...
with this palanquin...
she will be able to enjoy the same great outdoors
(minus unimproved or otherwise rough trails)...
that the rest of the family will.

She loves natural beauty...
of sunshine and fresh air...
all the while being accompanied by her family.

We will be taking her on our rides as often as possible.


I had also ordered her a skiing bib...
a balaclava...
and heated mittens for my mother to wear to ensure her comfort 
on chilly days (she already has a warm jacket).

I had ordered myself a ski jacket and bib...
winter gloves...
a balaclava and beanie...
and sunglasses...
in preparation for cold weather rides...
and some summer clothes and a hat for hotter weather riding.


My younger sister and I will also be trying some more desolate
and rough trail riding.

One will slowly follow in the car...
 whomever is triding at the time...
and we will then switch off as the other becomes tired.

That is the beauty of the double carrier...
we will be able to switch places quickly and easily.

With the vehicle just behind the trider...
emergency medical equipment...
water and food...
trike repair gear...
may be readily at hand.


I will also be going on a lot of rides alone.

Besides scouting out trails ahead of time
for full usage feasibility towing the doggy carriers...
or the palanquin...
my younger sister's trike cannot go everywhere mine can.

one of my main reasons for my triking...
is to keep in shape.

I will be pushing myself far harder than will she be able to.

And so...
why I will often be hitting the trails alone...
besides of my love for solitude in the great outdoors.

I now have about everything I need...
other then the 360 camera setup.

And so...
in the meantime...
I will be publishing some of my musings on life in subsequent articles...
of some of my previously published articles from a now private blog of mine.

every so often...
during my rides of the trails...
I will talk of many basic thoughts of mine that I consider important.

I won't discuss politics or trending topics...
but only of the most basic of thoughts...
mostly in the realm of philosophy and psychology.


One explanation of the music I put at the top of each article.

It is not only for the reader to listen to something as they read...
as I write...
whether it be an article or a novel...
I always listen to music.

It sets the stage for the movie of the mind to flow...
and what I put on the top of each article
is the actual song I listen to over and over as I write it
(and it is not so much about the words of the song...
but of the resonance and flow of the music that tells the story).

While the mind may print out the words...
it is music that establishes the creative flow from which the movie is made...
and from which the mind merely describes using words.

And so...

this blog is designed to take the readers on a journey of the mind...

as well as one of the mountains.

A New Route For Bandi

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