Monday, February 12, 2024

A Sunrise Ride


Song:  The Way Of Love
(One of the greatest love songs in music)

Artist:  Cher

Although I took a short ride to Sunset Court last night...
I felt like riding again this morning...
to see the sunrise.

I took this just after descending from Sunset Court...
on my way to view the sunrise on the other side of the hill.

The sunrise is beginning...
but I have just a short ways to go.

I am rounding a corner as I am descending.

I stopped briefly to take this shot during my descent.

I am at a crossroads where I could continue my descent...
or go back up the hill to view the Sunrise...
and then continue up the hill to home.

I parked at a good spot...
and just took in the sunrise.

The air was crisp...
but there was little wind.

I was perfectly comfortable in my winter gear.

I heard a pack of 20 - 30 coyotes howling in unison...
 just a little ways from the sun rose.

After the sun broke through...
I pedaled my way home.

I have a routine.

After my ride...
I cool off for about 1/2 an hour...
and I then sit in the sauna for at least 20 minutes
(I am working my way up to longer a little at a time)...
I then will take a hot shower...
and then do some stretching.

I am far more relaxed...
and in a much more creative mood.

I intend to restart my writing and music soon.
I've had to deal with some things first...
but, soon.

Nothing gets me in the flow (creative mode) more than my exercise routine...
 a good meal...
a good cup of coffee...
and some beautiful music.

A New Route For Bandi

  Song:  FF Prelude (cover) Cover Artist:  Jonathan Morris Original Composer:  Nobuo Uematsu  I had awakened to another beautiful day. Last ...