Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sierra Nevada Mountains - Prosser Reservoir Back Roads


Song:  Land of Oz

Artist:  Hilary Stagg

I just got back from a wonderful ride in the Sierra Nevada mountains...
starting at Prosser Reservoir...
and turning back around near Boca Reservoir...
only to then head down to the lower portion of Prosser Reservoir.

My younger sister drove my mother and me to the reservoir...
whereupon I off loaded my trike.

I then pedaled my way towards Boca Reservoir on a hard pan and gravel road.

I had pedaled a total of eight or so miles.

Although the road was relatively smooth at first...
it soon degraded to a washboard surface for some of the way.

Much of the route was shaded...
and the air was cool.

I had taken my neck wrap stereo and it played my iPhone playlist the whole way.

My trike was made for the back country mountain roads such as this.

I had such a good time triking alone with nothing but the wind, the trees...
and music to accompany me.

I had met my younger sister near Prosser Reservoir.
She had been driving my mother around so she could enjoy the scenery.

The sunset was bland...
but the ride was so good.

I, once again, videoed my ride.
You can see my Insta 360 on the pole.

I actually don't know how much it recorded correctly...
as on the way back...
during a particularly bumpy section of road...
I noticed that my camera pole had bent down to the rear fender.

Hopefully I hadn't lost too much footage due to the camera pointing up at the sky.

After I post this article...
I will review my video footage and post it on my YouTube channel
(The Three Wheeled Philosopher).


Addendum:  The camera mounting pole had fallen backwards early on...
rendering the whole video worthless.

I will go on another ride there sometime in the near future. 

In the meantime...
I have greatly bolstered the stability of the camera pole.

one good came from this ride...
I realized that the music I play while riding makes for a soundtrack.
All I have to do in the future is to talk as I ride every so often...
and there is my narration.


I had a great workout on this ride...
but even better...
I felt so free among the trees of the forest.

There are many more rides I shall be taking in the near future...
although, some of the roads are not ready to be ridden on...
as they are still muddy from snow melt.

I had last ridden this route with my son...
many years ago...
on our mountain bikes.

This time...
the ride was much more comfortable.

Except on the roughest patches of the road...
I felt as if I were soaring among the trees...
as free as an eagle in flight.

Once again...
for we senior citizens...
a recumbent tadpole e-trike is the way to go.

for offroad usage...
a fat tire trike will allow you even more freedom.

A New Home...A New Beginning

   Song:  Land of OZ Artist:  Hilary Stagg I've been absent from blogging for a while. I moved temporarily in preparation to make my fin...