Monday, May 13, 2024

Misty Mountains


Song:  The Misty Mountains Cold

Cover:  Rachel Hardy

I had a very serene trike ride and sunset watch on this night.

The weather was strange...
as were the clouds.

The air was warm and moist...
the winds felt cooling...
and yet...

After arriving at Sunset Court...
I looked behind me and caught some lightning flashes...
and I could see it was raining in the distance.

And yet...
the skies to the west were forming the makings of a nice sunset on a backdrop of blue.

To the southwest...
and covering the Sierra Nevada Mountains...
the clouds had also taken on a misty pink hue.

As I was almost surrounded by various colors
in combination with the gentle, but steady breeze coming out of the west...
I felt the ethereal melody of this song (Misty Mountains) playing through my head.

It was so fitting.

I stood surrounded by colors...
and all the while wearing a wide smile on my face.

Everything felt so surreal...
so perfect.

I felt so happy inside.

It reminded me of my childhood when I would spend hours alone...
sitting on a curbside as I watched storms in the evening hours...
until beyond nightfall.


I have crossed off most items of my bucket list.

All the important things I have completed...
with the rest being just the gravy on top.

Having this...
 I have a deep inner serenity...
 a sense of peace.

I love life so much.

I stand near the top of my last mountain to climb...
and so...
I may fully enjoy the colors of the clouds at sunset...
and the gently buffeting winds as they caress my face.

I feel so free.

Although I will travel in the future...
even should I not...
I already have my deepest contentment in my everyday passions.

I am now practicing my next cover song...
I will resume writing another novel soon...
and I am looking forward to triking the Sierra Nevada mountains...
and, as always...
I experience the great simple pleasures of life to the fullest.

I am doing what I love the most...
on a daily basis.

I have made peace with my past...
I am fully engaged with the present...
and I have more to look forwards to in the distant future.

I cannot stress enough...
the great importance of the cathartic effects 
of fully engaging yourself in a great passion in life.

To be so happy in life that should you die on the morrow...
you would have no regrets...
of being so happy standing alone and watching a sunset unfold...
feeling the wind and reliving the happiest times in your life
as great pieces of music play in your mind with such pure tones
that you feel every instrument as they massage you from the inside out...
this is living in the moment.

We only have one life to live.

To live life fully is to not be left behind in time...
and to not fear death.

To not feel serenely happy in solitude is to not be happy with yourself.

Make daily headway towards your long term goals...
spend time alone on a daily basis so you may reflect 
on what makes you the most happy...
and then do it.

Only once you know how to make yourself happy...
are you any good to yourself or to anyone else.

True happiness...
true love...
and true beauty only emanate from the inside.

Stop faking it in life.

No one is impressed by bluff and false bravado...
or by the accumulation of the unnecessary trinkets of wealth.

money is important...
but only so long as it provides you the means to be free from worry 
while providing you the time to pursue your true passions in life.

By attempting to live to impress others...
you imprison yourself in a life of drudgery...
enslaved by your own ego.

Your best friend is you.

Once you know how to take care of yourself...
life begins to take care of itself.

Things you had once thought to be important outside of the self...
you will soon find to be frivolous.


I simply cannot impress upon you enough...
the importance of solitude.

Should you fear being alone...
you are not fully living life.

Almost everywhere...
there will be a spot from where you may enjoy a sunset.

Trike out to it as often as you can.

Allow at least half an hour to immerse yourself in the colors...
and in the music of the winds.

If only in those brief moments...
the sun...
the winds...
and the clouds...
become your best friends...
as they will be a reflection of yourself.

if only during your trike ride to and from...
you will experience a freedom from the outer world...
as you journey to the inner world of the flow.

Exercise is the key...
and 85 is the number on the door.


and you alone...
are responsible for your happiness in life.

Had I concentrated on the stormy half of the sky on this evening's sunset...
I would have missed the beauty all around me in all the other directions.

Simplify life.

Focus only on walking the path to the achievement of your goals.

In this manner...
you will automatically skirt all of the pitfalls...
and so...
your future will be filled with hope...
your past becomes relegated to life lessons...
and you may truly live life in the present.

The Three Wheeled Philospher

A New Route For Bandi

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