Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Golden Dragon and The Flaming Duck


Song:  Straight Away To Orion

Artist:  Kitaro

On this evening...
I triked out to Sunset Court to capture what I knew would be 
a very interesting sunset...
as the clouds in the sky were arranged so they would capture the setting sun's rays
particularly well.

I arrived and waited for the sun to set...
and the show began not too long afterwards.

I saw another dragon forming in the clouds as the sun continued to set.

Little did I know that just a short while later...
the cloud would appear to morph into another image as its golden hue 
would change into a flaming red.

I saw a flaming duck diving into the water with its wings folded.

Even the background appeared to have swans swimming on the surface of a misty lake.

The other clouds took on a pinkish orange.

As the flaming duck faded...
the colors of the background clouds became richer.

What an interesting and soulful sunset.

As it is warming...
I heard some birds and crickets chirping...
and the breeze was refreshing...
just light enough to cool...
but not so strong as to force me to zip up my jacket.


I so love peaceful solitude.

I just took in the evening sunset as it evolved...
with nothing on my mind but feeling the colors and the breeze...
and hearing my bass flute playing a composition I've yet to compose.

As the colors began to fade...
it brought up parallels in my mind to situations in life.

First of all...
the illusion of animals in cloud formations brings up
the illusions many people create in their lives.

I realize how relatively few people actually
take the time in life to reflect in peaceful solitude.
So many people wish to be around others...
to be in constant contact with them.
This is especially true of extroverts and social butterflies.

They think their lives are rich...
but their lives are shallow in comparison to those of whom
spend their time with just a few deep relationships.

Simple math dictates this to be true.
Time can only be divided so many times
before it becomes so diluted at each point that 
relationships must be only shallow.

And so...
each considers the others as a brief blip in their lives...
giving no more thought to the others' lives or deaths...
than the quality of time actually spent with them.

The others' funerals are a showcase for himself...
to put on a show to "demonstrate" his closeness to the deceased...
as if to imply his closeness with all his other contacts.

Of course...
the person rarely realizes that the same lack of deep sorrow
that he actually feels is how all of them feel towards each other.

His whole life is one of an illusion.

In contrast...
a person who, through solitude in serene settings...
projects himself into the future...
who sees himself as he would be should he follow a certain path in life...
so long as he correctly formulates a viable plan 
to reach the projected destination...
and actively efficiently and effectively follows that path...
although it is in his mind...
and so...
what others may think is merely an illusion...
is merely a yet to be realized reality.

It is this person who values time...
and cherishes those few with whom he surrounds himself.

True and deep friendships last a lifetime...
and time spent apart does not diminish those feelings.
A feeling of deep joy upon greeting them is remembered for life.
And those same emotions are conveyed through the dancing eyes of each...
the dilation of the pupils...
and the sheen and glimmering seen... 
belying the true feelings of which are not spoken...
as mere words would be insulting...
for each realizes that the subconscious speaks through the eyes...
and that the mouth is sometimes used to convince others 
that which is contrary to that which is demonstrated to be true.

So many people judge others by their ears...
instead of their eyes.

This brings up my second point...
truly observe the world...
reflect and ponder upon what you have observed...
otherwise you are merely existing.

As almost always...
whenever I go out to view sunrises or sunsets...
I am the only one doing so in my area.

a couple may walk by...
only to keep walking with their backs to 
a most beautiful sunrise or sunset.

This momentarily astounds me.

How can people be so oblivious to a show of such splendor...
not taking but a few moments to even look up.

I only wonder about this for a few seconds...
as it would detract from the grand show before me.

As the colors faded on this evening's sunset...
I also thought about how patience plays a large part in life.

Had I left this evening's sunset after the first part of the trilogy of light
(the Golden Dragon)...
I would have missed out on the Flaming Duck...
and of the background clouds as they deepened in color.

So much of life is missed out upon...
not only because of not truly observing in the first place...
but of because of not using patience to see how things play out.

So much of life is stupidly bypassed...
and so...
too often, so little is remembered.

All of life is a collection of memories.
The higher the quantity of quality of those memories...
the richer is that of life...
and so...
I will finish my thoughts with this poem I had penned some years ago
for another blog I had started in 2010 about my son...
although it is now closed to the public.

And so...
my summation of life...
in prose:

rich memories made.

life enriched through experience fondly remembered.

one time...never again.

As you stroll down the Autumn path in life...
its trees ablaze in the full glory
of the crimson reds...
of the luminous yellows...
the depth of colors
a reflection of the depth
of memories made.

You may face Winter...
ever ready for
its icy winds...
as you are
constantly warmed
by those memories made.

Through the windows
of the mind...
 you gaze upon
the landscape
of life before you...
with the crystal clarity
that Winter brings.

You sit satisfied
before the fireplace...
still burning brightly
with your love of life.

You are ready for
everlasting sleep...
without fear...
without regret...
as you have
truly lived...

                                       - James Toller
                                                                         (The Three Wheeled Philosopher)

Whenever I see a glorious sunrise or sunset...
I feel beautiful music as if there were an orchestra before me.

Whenever I listen to beautiful music...
I feel the wind upon my face as I re-experience beautiful sunrises or sunsets.

As I am now in the Autumn of life...
even though I have many rich memories...
I am still making more.

I am still living out my passions in life...
all the while I am experiencing the great simple pleasures in it...
and all of which are greatly enhanced 
by the exercise I get from riding my recumbent e-trike.

When the time comes...
I will be ready for the Winter of life...
only because I am not afraid to tread through hell...
to reach my heaven (metaphorical).

And so...
I leave you with these thoughts...
brought about by this recent sunset...
from the seat of my trike.

                                                                   - The Three Wheeled Philosopher

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