Friday, May 24, 2024

Triking in my Elder Sister's Neighborhood


Song:  World of Dreams

Group:  Future World Music

As my trike was still packed in the car from Lake Tahoe...
I decided to go on a trike ride in my elder sister's neighborhood.

As my elder sister knew her area...
she rode her trike to a spot she had gone to before where
the possibility of a good sunset could be seen.

We went up hill a bit and up into a construction zone where they were building more homes.

We reached the spot and waited for colors to emerge.

It turned out to be almost devoid of any colors on this evening...
but it was still good to go out on a little ride.

My elder sister and her husband got the same model trikes.

They have e-drive and they were very reasonably priced.

We are planning to go on some great rides in the future.

Although it is warming...
the evenings are still cool.

After the skies started to darken...
we departed for my elder sister's house.

As most of the ride home was downhill...
my elder sister really picked up the pace.

After I loaded up my trike in the car...
we both went to a nearby restaurant.

After returning to her house...
I then drove back home.


My elder sister and I frequently talk about how fortunate our lives have been.

We both retired while still relatively young...
and so...
we both love living our lives how we please.

My elder sister and her husband are living out their dreams...
as am I.

As both of my sisters have trikes...
we may get exercise while in beautiful surroundings.

after a lifetime of being rough on my body...
I am feeling the effects of aging the most.

Even though my knees are shot...
as well as many of my other joints...
with my trike...
I can go the distance in complete comfort.

I can only compare the comfort of triking 
to pedaling from a La-Z-Boy recliner.

You get a hell of a workout...
and yet...
you are in an optimal position for full and even weight distribution...
as well as one which allows for full diaphragmatic expansion.

There is no pain...
either as I ride....
or afterwards.

I simply love triking...
it is...
in a word...

Freedom from...
and the resulting depression.

It is also the feeling you get every time you ride the trails...

The freedom of the clouds...
of the wind...
and of the stars.

After your ride...
you feel light...
and in the flow.

Even as I continue to age...
I will always be able to trike.

Exercise is the missing component in most people's lives.

And with an e-trike...

anyone can get plenty...

no matter their fitness level.

Some may balk at the initial price of getting an e-trike
(my elder sister's model cost but $3,000...complete with e-drive).

Although mine cost considerably more...
I needed one which was especially sturdy...
as I plan to go solo on much rougher and more isolated terrain in the future.

Now consider the cost of not exercising...
of not experiencing life to the fullest...
as only those who exercise may experience life.

Also consider that with an e-trike...
it is a lifetime investment...
as you will be able to trike until the day you die.


Always remember...
we all shall die.

This is not the tragedy.
It is having wasted your one and only shot at life...
by not having lived life to the fullest...
that is the tragedy.

However much you enjoy life now...
if you are not regularly exercising...
you are living nowhere near your potential for happiness.

With an e-drive recumbent trike...
no matter your present health status...
you can reach your greatest potential for fitness...
and so...
your greatest potential for happiness.

For only with exercise...
may you drain away stress...
while gaining your way to the flow...
where you may float where you had once trudged...
and where you may face the setting sun with courage and inner serenity...
and so...
welcome the evening stars with open arms.

The Three Wheeled Philosopher


  1. So nice that you can enjoy riding together with your sisters and brother-in-law. A great way for all of you to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors.

  2. My elder sister loves exercise as well. It is good that she and her husband have an activity they can do together.


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