Sunday, December 31, 2023
Night Tow Test On An Incline
Friday, December 29, 2023
A Trike Ride At The Sparks Marina
We had many days of cold and rainy weather...
but today the temperature was in the 50s and it was sunny...
so, my younger sister, my mother, and I went to a local lake just 15 minutes away...
and we rode our trikes around it...and I towed my mother's Wheeled Palanquin.
As it was such a nice day...
I took the sides and top down so my mother could fully enjoy the fresh air and sun...
as well as the views.
The wheels are also secured to the carrier.
It was a very good first time experience towing my mother.
We are planning to ride the Truckee River bike path...
at Lake Tahoe when we have another beautiful day such as this one.
Everything worked perfectly...
and my mother had a smooth ride the whole way...
even when we went off the path to a gravel area.
My mother can now enjoy the rides with us.
At Lake Tahoe...
as it is another 2,000 feet in elevation...
I will put the top sunshade up to keep the sun off my mother...
but, so long as it is a warm day...
I will keep the sides down so she may enjoy full views.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Rigged For Night Running
if I so wish.
A New Route For Bandi
Song: FF Prelude (cover) Cover Artist: Jonathan Morris Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu I had awakened to another beautiful day. Last ...

Song: Ocean Princess Composing Artist: Thomas Bergersen Vocal: Merethe Soltvedt I triked to Sunrise Point this morning. It was a bitter...
Song: The Way Of Love (One of the greatest love songs in music) Artist: Cher Although I took a short ride to Sunset Court last night... ...
Song: Wanted Dead or Alive Group: Jon Bon Jovi Last night... I installed my front and rear turn signals... and the remote switch to oper...