Monday, March 25, 2024
A Golden Sunset - The Coyotes And The Carrot
Friday, March 22, 2024
In Search Of A Mountain Route - After The Fall
Sunday, March 10, 2024
A Coming Storm - Another Reason To Trike
Friday, March 8, 2024
Looking For A New Route
Life is merely existing without that next mountain to summit.
It is in new horizons that hope is born anew...
that we may grow enough in heart, body, and mind...
to stand atop that next mountain.
It is from the summit that we may reflect upon our lives and see
how far we had come.
Sunrises and sunsets bring a special significance to my life.
In each sunrise...
I see the future with great hope.
In each sunset...
I reflect upon my life...
and it is in this that I derive a deep sense of serenity.
I am so deeply and serenely happy...
because I don't care what others may think of me.
I know what makes me happy...
and I do it.
No one will be with you in death...
no one will care more about you... than you die.
And so...
why should you care what others may think of you in life?
Freedom lies in saying...
F*** it...
and finally doing what makes you the most happy...
regardless of what others may say or think.
The important thing is setting yourself up in life so you have no worries...
spending time pursuing your creative passions...
and fully enjoying the great simple pleasures of life everyday.
Life is so different if you walk the tightrope without a safety net
(metaphor of knowing there is no afterlife).
You are more focused...
everything has more meaning...
every moment is so much more treasured.
It is precisely because I have never believed in an afterlife...
or any form of religion...
that I have always loved life so much.
I don't live in dread of death...
for it is what gives life its sense of urgency...
what gives time its value...
and what makes each sunset so transcendent.
If you don't experience a great symphonic orchestra
as you feel the vibrant colors of a beautiful sunset...
and as the wind caresses your skin in rhythm across your face...
there is something you need to fix in your life.
Exercise is the key to living life to its fullest.
Recumbent triking allows senior citizens to get a plentiful amount of exercise...
regardless of your present health status.
I first learned of triking when watching an elderly man triking (YouTube)...
and fully enjoying it...
even though he had stage 4 cancer.
He triked almost everyday...
until just before his death.
What an inspiration.
The serenity in his face as he rode...
even through his chemotherapy...
and of his knowledge of his impending death...
told me he knew the value of life...
even in the face of death.
It was after seeing his videos that I decided to get a trike myself.
I had been having problems with my knees after long walks.
However, with triking...
my knees are pain free.
I can now push myself to levels I haven't been able to for years.
The only way you may walk through the valley of death without fear or trepidation...
is to know that heaven lies on the other side of hell
(metaphorically willing to make the necessary sacrifices now
for greater returns later... the essence of deferred gratification).
live life with deferred gratification as a priority.
This is how to properly set up and live your life.
You do the work first (metaphor of valley of death...hell)...
but you do so because you know heaven lies on the other side
(metaphor for pain now for a better life later).
This includes exercise.
At first you may not feel comfortable...
but after you feel so good for much longer afterwards...
you start to look forwards to exercise...
and so...
you may walk through the valley of death without fear...
for you know heaven lies on the other side.
One of each of our greatest missions in life is to find out
what makes us serenely happy (creative passion)...
and doing it...
and through exercise...
it will magnify it...
and every other experience in life.
For anyone thinking he or she is too old...
too infirm...
or in too much pain to trike...
you are wrong.
Triking allows even those with MS...
advanced arthritis...
balance issues...
advanced cancer...etc...
to live life much more fully
through the great pleasure magnifier...
that is exercise.
A New Route For Bandi
Song: FF Prelude (cover) Cover Artist: Jonathan Morris Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu I had awakened to another beautiful day. Last ...

Song: Ocean Princess Composing Artist: Thomas Bergersen Vocal: Merethe Soltvedt I triked to Sunrise Point this morning. It was a bitter...
Song: The Way Of Love (One of the greatest love songs in music) Artist: Cher Although I took a short ride to Sunset Court last night... ...
Song: Wanted Dead or Alive Group: Jon Bon Jovi Last night... I installed my front and rear turn signals... and the remote switch to oper...